Spotlight Themes

Spotlight themes are an opportunity to share the views of traditions of Buddha-dharma in the Rime' spirit of non-sectarianism.

Each section will be a taste of the rich flavour of any tradition but it is our intention that this may serve as an encouragement for greater study and understanding of each others unique qualities as well as similarities. His Holiness Dalai Lama, on his recent visit to Australia, commented on the value of understanding the vastness of the entire Buddha-dharma traditions and the benefits of this knowledge.

We started the Spotlight theme with a focus on the Soto Zen tradition and continued the following theme with the Theravada lineage as it has developed in the West with particular (though not exclusive) attention on the Burmese tradition of Mahasi Sayadaw and the Forest monk Thai lineage of Ajahn Chah. We heartily invite contributions from our regular bloggers in the future as well as anyone who feels like sharing teachings connected to these themes.